Travel Nanny Blog

Keeping  a Bedtime Routine - Travel Nanny Tips

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Travel Nanny Blog - How to keep up with bedtime routine on the go: 

Traveling can be difficult for children, they get excited about the adventure they are going on, they get out of their normal routine, and they have to adjust to their new environment. It is often a worry for parents when they have to travel with their children how they are going to get them to sleep and keep them on their bedtime routine. Not only are parents worried about sleep specifically on the trip, but they are worried about having to come home and restructure their whole bedtime routine again and need to start from scratch.  Travel nannies are often contacted to help with child care while on vacation, needed for a wedding where they bring children, but they aren’t attending the wedding, or just need a date night while they are on a getaway! Travel nannies are great at keeping the children on a good nighttime routine! Travel nannies have the skills and knowledge needed to get your kids on a schedule even while away! Here are 5 tips and tricks to keeping your kids on a good bedtime routine and make sure your children are still getting adequate sleep on the trip and avoiding messing up their routine for when you arrive back home.

  1. Bringing items from home 

It is important that children feel safe and have things that they familiarize their sleep time routine with. These items are what allows them to associate bedtime and sleep with familiarity although they aren’t in their normal sleeping space. When you are traveling make sure to pack away all the necessary sleep time items. This can include a blanket, special stuffed animals, sound machine, pillows, bottles, sleep sacks, swaddles, pack and play, and pjs. These special items are meaningful to children and make bedtime away easier. When starting to prepare for bedtime, bringing out these items will signal bedtime is coming. Although they are not at home, these bedtime items symbolize that bedtime is here and they will be familiar that these items mean sleep. Packing away these items should be top priority, so make sure these items are packed away and ready for the trip!

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2. Bath time 

Bath time is a great calming tool to get children settled and ready for bed. Kids often love to play in the water and tire themselves out. This also is a soothing tool to make them feel clean and snuggly. Also, if lavender body wash and lotion are used, this is helpful to pacify children and calm them down for the night. Even if bath time isn’t a normal part of the bed time routine, it is a good way to settle children into sleep time while you are away. You might even find you enjoy bath time and your child enjoys bath time and it is a good thing to start to utilize in the normal bedtime routine! 

3. Keeping the normal time schedule 

While traveling, it can be hard and difficult to keep up with bed time schedules, but try your best to keep bed time on their normal time interval and schedule. This allows their schedules to stay in tact for when they return home. Even if this means going out to dinner a little earlier, hiring a travel nanny or babysitter, or adjusting your schedule to fit in bath time and keeping the bedtime routine on schedule. 

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4. Allow time to relax and calm down 

It is important to set time aside for kids to start to wind down before the bedtime routine starts. While kids are away and traveling, everything is exciting and stimulating because it is new to them. They need adequate time to start to get settled for the night and sleep. It is good to set time aside to read, play a board game, or go for an evening walk outside. This relaxation will allow the kids to wind down and relax before their bedtime routine. This will result in a a higher success rate of the children going to bed during their bedtime.

5. Making the room dark 

Making the room dark while away is good for many reasons. One, people sleep better when there is little to no light in the room. Two, the darkness will allow the children to forget where they are and have a better sound sleep. Third, if a child wakes up in the middle of the night, they won’t be frightened by a new surrounding if it is dark in the room. There are items that you can purchase to make sure the room is dark or you can check the room descriptions to see if they have shades and blinds in each room! 

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Even though traveling with children can be difficult, keeping up with the bedtime routine can be managed and attainable. If you are traveling with kids for a wedding, or want a date night out, these are circumstances where a travel nanny comes in great! Travel nannies can be contacted to watch your children for a date night or any time while away! Travel nannies have experience with getting kids to bed on time and keeping their routines in tact! Travel nannies are a great resource to utilize while on a trip or vacation. This allows you to bring your children, but also have time and space to have some time without the kids, and keep them on track with their normal bedtime schedules. 

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